Relationship Therapy
Seeking help with your relationships? Call or email today to schedule an appointment.
With the use of Psychodynamic Psychotherapy, we can identify the underlying couple dynamics and create change.

Some strategies you can use today to support your relationship:
* Pay attention to the language you use. Move away from “me vs. you” and shame / blame language. The more you talk about what works for the both of you, the less strain on the relationship.
* Focus on the positive side of your relationships. Talk about common interests, aspects of your partner that you like and admire and what brings the two of you together.
* Be open to learning from your partner, understanding does not always mean agreeing and that is ok.
* Stay with one argument at a time. Do not bring in all past transgressions to a conversation.
* Be gentle with your criticisms. Talk about the behavior you want changed kindly avoid attacking the character of your spouse.
*Not all relationships are healthy. Some relationships cause emotional and/or physical harm. Therapy can also help you to uncouple.